
Foot Ball at Other Colleges.

On Saturday. Princeton played her first game of football with Rutgers. The score was 23 to 5 in her favor at the end, but the game was very loosely played by both sides. H. Hodge, a new player, and De Camp made fine individual plays and the whole rush line tackled well, as Princeton men always do.

At Amherst the men began practice in football on Monday. The first thing of interest will be a series of foot ball games for the class championship of the college. If these games show that there is enough good material and that the students at large are heartily interested in them, the management will select a team to represent the whole college in outside contests. If proper men and enthusiasm are found wanting Amherst will not be represented on the foot ball field during the coming season.

At Yale it is the rule that freshmen in order to vote for the captain of their foot ball eleven must come out regularly and practice. The election is fixed for Friday of this week. The college hopes that '88 will show as much sand in football as they have in "rushes."
