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There are some things that every freshman ought to do. He ought to join the Co-operative Society, subscribe to the college papers, join the Athletic Association, and lay by of his store, that he may give freely to the University and class crews, foot ball team, nine, and lacrosse team. Then there are a number of organizations that are open virtually to any freshman who join them, and one or all of which every freshman ought to join who feels in the least qualified to do so: The Harvard Union, the two religious societies the St. Paul's (Episcopalian) and the Christian Brethren (non-sectarian), the Tennis Association, the Bicycle Club, the Cricket Club and the Canoe Club. Also freshmen possessing any musical or vocal ability ought to present themselves at the appointed time and try for the Glee Club, Pierian Sodality (instrumental club), or brass band; and those whose tastes incline to literary work ought to try for one of the college papers. We hope no member of '88 will fail, either from indifference or diffidence, to do his part in every organized branch of college activity and college life that is open to him. There is much to learn, during the four years here, that no book, or lecture, or instructor can teach. It is a miniature world which is to prepare men for the greater world outside, and if one holds aloof now from these cares and interests, and organized activities, he will get from his college life only a part of its benefits. Besides, there are later in college life other organizations and other honors, which one is not likely to get if he holds aloof now. And to finish with an unimportant, but very practical consideration, many of the organizations that we have mentioned as open to freshmen, give their members a "shingle," so-called, which makes a most appropriate ornament for a college room.
