
H. U. B. B. C.

REPORT OF THE MANAGER.At the end of last year the Association had a surplus in the bank of $46.34 which was used in payment of outstanding bills, so that the association began the year without any surplus money. It was deemed advisable last spring to play on Holmes Field if possible, as Jarvis Field was in a wretched condition. In order to do this it was necessary to sod the new diamond which cost the BaseBall Association $492.84. In January at the meeting of the Executive Committee, Mr. D. C, Clark '86, was elected Treasurer of the Association, and has had entire charge of the books from that time. I wish to thank Messrs. Barnes, Lock and Snelling, for their assistance, and Mr. Clark especially, for his conscientious work.

I will now read the main items of expenditure as given to me by Mr, Clark.

RECEIPTS.Subscriptions, season

tickets and other sources, $2917.69


Gate receipts, $3291,74


EXPENDITURESUniforms, $320.50

Yale-Amherst trip. 371.45

Brown-Princeton, 318.36

New Haven (Exhibition), 190.06

New York (Yale game), 410.42

Umpires, 100.00

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