

No Headline

The loss of small articles from the Gymnasium and Memorial has come to be such a common occurrence during the past few years that we now pay but small attention to the complaints made of such thefts. This state of affairs, however, has now assumed an aspect which renders any further tolerance far from wise. During the present week a watch and quite a considerable sum of money were deliberately stolen from a locker in the Gymnasium. The theft must have been the work of some one who it intimately acquainted with the interior arrangements of the Gymnasium and with the habits of the students who use it. It would have been absolutely impossible for any outsider to enter the building, obtain the proper key from the keyboard, and pick out the particular locker in which these valuables were deposited. The locker must have been opened by some one who knew that it was the custom of the owner to leave his purse and watch in the cupboard, while he was at exercise. Since, then, it appears so clearly that the perpetrator of this deed must have been one of our students, or else some one employed about the Gymnasium. we feel that we are justified in asking the authorities to investigate the matter in the most thorough and systematic manner. Moreover, if any student can cast any light whatever on the case, he ought to communicate at once with the proper persons, that the dishonest parties may be discovered as speedily as possible. This offence is one which should be sifted to the very bottom, and the offender deserves prompt punishment if detected.
