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Although the work of the lacrosse team in their informal game on Saturday was hardly creditable even for men out of practice ; yet two things were clearly demonstrated by the game. The first of these is that the new clubs lately organized in this vicinity are now in a condition to play a creditable game and, though they may be unable to defeat our team when it has begun regular work in the spring, games arranged with them in future will give our men much needed practice and enable them to enter the intercollegiate games much better prepared than they have ever been before. The practice games will fill a long felt need. Yale and Princeton have been near enough to other teams to arrange matches before the championship games, but Harvard has had to depend for practice upon its daily work in Cambridge. The new clubs are young and active and anxious to arrange games, so that in future the Harvard team will have to look well to its laurels in the local fields.

The second thing shown by the game on Saturday was that there is plenty of good material, from which to select a team, as the new men showed up very well, but that a good team cannot be had without hard work during the winter and spring. More attention to handling the Crosse readily, picking up the ball and much practice at team work and passing are some of the things which must be done to enable Harvard to regain its old place at the head of the league at lacrosse.
