

A few days ago the lacrosse team made arrangements to play a practice game with the Cambridge club, just to get the men together for a little fall exercise. The game was played Saturday on Jarvis, and our team found that they had caught a tartar. For, while the Harvard team has done no playing except in an individual way since last May, the Cambridge men have been playing matches all the summer and fall. The game was called at about 4 P. M. Harvard kept the ball most of the time at the Cambridge goal but failed to score through poor team work. Later the Cambridge men got the ball near the Harvard goal and by quick work on their part and poor work by our defense they scored two goals in the last few minutes of the first half-hour.

The ball was faced for the second time with the wind in Harvard's favor. The ball went back and forth until it grew dusk without either side making anything. A few minutes before time was called Cambridge scored the third goal, immediately after a fourth one. Harvard men claimed that they could not see the ball by this time, but when the first two goals were made there was no excuse for our defense. The work all round by our team showed that the men were out of trim, this not being the season for the game, and the work lacked life. Cambridge was assisted by Capt. Ross of Somerville and another man from the same team. The Harvard team included several new men and was as follows : Drake, '87, goal ; Reuters, L. S., Point ; Goodale, '85, cover-point ; Noyes, '85, Williams,'85, (captain), and Lund, '88, defense field ; Nichols, L. S., centre ; Hood, '86, Gardner, '87 and A. T. Dudley, '87, attack field ; Twombley, L. S. and Woods, '85, homes,
