
Special Notices.

All notices published under this head except "Lost" and "Found" notices must be paid for before insertion.

Room 25 Little's Block will be let at a discount. Apply to Janitor.

TO LET-No. 22 Thayer. Apply at Bursar's office, or address this office.

A club table can be accommodated at Mrs. Sawyer's, 29 Holyoke street.

One thousand tall hats for torchlight parade are ready for sale, at 25c. each, at J. F. Noera's, 436 Harvard street.

TO LET-No 30 Felton at a great sacrifice, with carpet and curtains thrown in. Apply at once to janitor.


LOST-In Memorial a brown silk umbrella. Finder will confer a favor by leaving the same at Leavitt and Peirce's.

Mrs. Guild, 156 Mt. Auburn street, has a suite of rooms to let and will receive at her family table two or three persons. References required.

Correct styles in garments for young men, at moderate prices, can be obtained of H. L. Hurlbut, Tailor, 125 Tremont Street.

Turtoring conditioned men in Entance French by a graduate of long experience in this subject. Address A. C. B., 880 Main street.

LOST-A gold ring in a bath room of the gymnasium. Finder will receive reward by returning the same to E. F. Woods, 10 Matthews.

FOR SALE-Full nickled, 52 inch, Special Club, double ball bearings, ball pedals, patent non-slipping tire; has been used very little.

If any student who used the bowling allies, or was around that part of the gymnasium Wednesday afternoon between 3 and 5 o'clock will either send me their names or see me, I will be much obliged. W. B. Phillips, 11 Weld.

STOLEN-From gymnasium, Wednesday, Oct. 22, an open face gold watch and chain with locket. Also thirty-four dollars ($34.00). A liberal reward for same will be paid by

W. B. PHILLIPS, 11 Weld Hall.
