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A communication in another column in regard to the senior class transparency deserves the consideration of every member of the class. The writer disapproves of the decision of the class to carry its vote, unfavorable to the Republican candidate, on a transparency in the parade, as a breach of hospitality to the republican party. In our opinion, by far too serious a view of the question has been taken. It is unnecessary to repeat what has so often been remarked, that the students, as shown by the burlesque costumes worn in former years, regard the whole parade as a lark, Each of the other classes will carry the result of its vote, and the senior class has the same right. Indeed, if the senior class alone carried no such transparency, its vote would be more conspicuous by its absence than it will be by its presence. The appearance of the four classes in succession, each announcing its vote, is simply another statement in detail of what the total vote indicates. Now, the intention of the senior class to carry its vote on a transparency was announced in the Boston papers. By their silence, the Republican managers evidently approve of this action, or what is equivalent, are willing to ignore it, in order to have moral support of Harvard students. If, therefore, our "hosts" approve of our action in order to make political capital out of our presence in their parade, we need have no fear of violating any sentiments of decency or honor by displaying the true results of our canvass.
