
Fact and Rumor.

The freshman meeting will be a large one.

The audience at the game yesterday was not very large.

'86 has won the college championship in baseball at Yale.

The drum corps chartered two special cars to convey them to town, last night.

Only six women matriculated at Columbia college last year, three this.


A number of Harvard graduates witnessed the foot ball game yesterday afternoon.

In the tennis tournament Sawin. '85, beat Boyden '86, 6-2, 6-1. 6-4 and thus wins the college championship.

There are 214 names subscribed to the petition in relation to Forensics. Those who have not signed should sign immediately.

The next game of football will be played on Saturday with the Institute of Technology on the Union Grounds, Boston.

The walk west of the new Physical Laboratory has been well rolled and watered, and its condition is now much improved.

In the Commonwealth series of histories, that of California will be written by Dr. Royce and Kentucky by Prof. Shaler.

The changes in Harvard Hall to make the new botany laboratory are almost completed. Work in the laboratory will probably begin Thursday.

The Woolsley Battalion of Yale expects to have some fun parading in Republican processions in two or three cities of Connecticut.

The Chicago College of Pharmacy, which opened its new building costing $50,000, a few days ago, claims to have the finest laboratory in the country.

It is to be hoped that the bicycle club may enjoy another ride and supper soon. The moon will be just right in a week or so for a magnificent moonlight run.

In the Yale-Wesleyan foot ball game on Saturday, Richards, the Yale halfback, was hurt in the knee and will probably be kept from playing for a month.

A Chinese girl is studying English branches at the Ohio Wesleyan University. She intends to become a physician for the sake of the women of her native country.

The present Freshman class at Princeton, which numbers 140, is the largest, cheekiest and altogether the most remarkable class that has ever entered that college.

The canvass the Dental School results as follows : Blaine, 8 ; Cleveland, 7 ; St. John 1. Of the Bussey Institute, Cleveland, 4 ; Blaine, 2. This completes the canvass of the University.

Gov. St. John says that a majority of the students in American colleges are prohibitionists in theory, though not connected with the prohibition party. He says that Harvard is behind in this respect.

Prof. Shaler will conduct another excursion with the section in N. H. 4 this afternoon to the Quincy District. The exact time at which the train will leave will be announced on the bulletin boards this morning.

At the meeting of the drum corps yesterday afternoon, it was decided to wear the costume selected by Drum Major Winslow, an exaggerated Turkish uniform. Instead of a fez, however, the corps will wear black plugs with H. D. C. upon the front.

On MOnday afternoon Dwight defeated Sears at Clyde Park, winning three sets out of four. Dr. Dwight played splendidly, and never in better form, The unevenness of the court seemed to trouble the champion considerably. the score of the four sets was 7-5, 6-2, 1-6, 6-2.

The costume of the police squad is to consist of red hats, with visors about ten inches in length, blue coats "a lamode," white pantaloons, and last but not least, a billy about as large as a base ball bat. It is sincerely hoped that the vainglorious mucker will, by this display for once be vanquished.
