

Politics and Rallies.

Yesterday morning the attention of the students was drawn in two directions politically. About half past seven the square was lighted up with torches and filled with the noise of drums and band caused by the Harvard Law School Blaine and Logan club, headed by a band of music and escorted by two companies of uniformed torch bearers, marching down to Cambridge port to attend the Republican rally at Union Hall. The Lawmen were accompanied by about 100 students and others.

At a little after 8 o'clock another political demonstration was held in the meeting room of the gymnasium by the Cleveland men. The number present, owing to the change from Holden was only about a hundred, including many Lawmen. Those present decided to march in the Independent procession on Wednesday to escort Carl Schurz and to wear "plug hats. They also voted to invite the Cleveland men of the drum corps to march with them, as their previous invitation to the whole corps was not accepted by the drum corps. A subscription was taken up to pay for a band, and the under graduates present who are going signed their names in a book.

The following resolution was adopted :

Resolved : That we shall march in the Blaine procession, merely for the purpose of keeping an old college custom, and do not thereby endorse James G. Blaine, whom we consider unfit for the presidency.

Cleveland Men of Harvard College.

