
Meeting of the Shooting Club.

About 40 men assembled in Holden Chapel last evening, the occasion being the annual meeting of the Harvard Shooting Club. At 7.45 the meeting was called to order by President Frye, who read a report upon the work of the past year. The report of the secretary-treasurer, Mr. F. B. Austin, was then read and accepted. A committee, consisting of Messrs. W. L. Allen and W. Austin, was appointed to audit the treasurer's accounts. The result of the election of officers for the coming year was as follows: President, J. A. Frye, '86; vice-president, F. S. Coolidge, '87; secretary-treasurer, F. B. Austin, '86; executive officer, W. L. Allen, '86; board of directors, R. L. McCook, '85; W. H. Slocum, '86; W. Austin, '87; C. A. Porter, '88.

From the president's report it appeared that the number of field meetings held during the past year was 16, in which 63 events were contested, with a total of 595 entries. The secretary will be at his rooms, Holworthy 22, from 11 to 12 Mondays. and 9 to 10 Tuesdays, for the purpose of supplying shingles to the new members of the club.
