
Fact and Rumor.

The nine still keeps up its desultory practice on Holmea Field.

A number of scrub elevens are in process of form action.

Bowdoin College has had a boat race this fall in which three crews entered.

There are five or six rooms now to let at the Bursar's office.

Borland, '86, has given up rowing for this year by advice of his physician.


The advisability of holding a billiard tournament at some time during the coming winter is being discussed.

The "Signet" and "Big Four of '85" four oared crews were entertained by the CRIMSON crew last evening.

It is rumored that the brass band have a new tune in readiness for the coming parade.

The Cornell Sun says "the Total Abstinence League at Harvard is practically defunct."

Members of the drum corps find great difficulty in securing instruments.

The Tufts College eleven is the best that the institution has put into the field for some years.

The Shooting Club proposes to devote more time to rifle practice this year.

The Union Athletic grounds are in demand for school and college foot ball games, and athletic meetings this fall.

Tall hats for the torch bearers seem to be abundant. In consequence the price ought to be very low.

There will be a one hour practical exercise in Chem. 2, Friday, October 24, at 10 o'clock.

The Technology team will play the Williams College eleven at Williamstown on Saturday next.

Prof. Josiah P. Cooke has gone to Newport to attend the meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

The Cleveland-Hendricks Club of the Law School will hold a ratification meeting in Holden this evening. All students are cordially invited.

The following compose the fourth eight of the Pi Eta from '85 :

Greenman, Hazard, Newhall, Sawin, Wadsworth, Watson, Webster, G. A., Winter.

The following men compose the superior court of the Thayer Club in the Law School : Beale, Cabot, Crocker, Davis, Endicott, Gammell, Hayes, Turner and Wilkins.

The coldness of the chapel during this chilly weather is not very conducive to good attendance. Some more heat would be particularly desirable as long as this cold snap lasts.

In the tennis tournament yesterday, Boyden beat Hopkins, 6-4, 1-6, 8-6. This leaves four men in ; Peirson vs. Boyden and Sawin vs. Spalding. No sets in the doubles were played yesterday.

It is rumored that the reason why John Harvard sits "gazing into the We stern sky," as the orator says, is in order to escape the odors arising in the Eastern sky from the vicinity of Memorial.

The Rev. George E. Ellis, who delivered the principle address Wednesday, is one of the foremost antiquarians in the country. He is particularly well informed upon the history of the early Indians.

A suggestion for a new method of marking the place to "break" in the hare and hounds runs, by which the bags might be saved from small thieves and the delay caused thereby overcome, would, no doubt, be received with thanks by the H. A. A.

The Canoe Club hope to hold their regatta on the regatta on the regular course on the Charles river, off the Union Boat Club House. The river in front of the university boat house is suitable for paddling races, but is too narrow and crooked and has too much current and tide for sailing races.

At the sophomore class meeting last night it was voted to turn out in uniform, and the president was authorized to appoint a committee of five to decide what the uniform should be. The following committee was appointed : Snelling, Tuthill, Alexander, Bowles, W. B. Scofield.
