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We are pleased to learn, by its notice in another column, that the Shooting Club, having struggled through the first year of its existence, is about to take a new lease of life. The club was not formed with the hope of entering upon any career of especial brilliancy, but merely with the intention of affording the members of the university a chance to obtain practice at small expense, and with the greatest convenience possible. This is, practically, what it accomplished last year. Its matches were held at short intervals, and were attended by parties of students who made up in enthusiasm and jollity what they lacked in numbers.

Altogether, the record of the club for its initial year is one of which its founders need by no means feel ashamed, and the prospects for the coming year warrant us in the belief that good work will be done, both individual and team, before the targets and at the traps. The sport is one in which many are interested, and we bespeak for the club the support of all our students. To night's meeting ought especially to be attended by eighty-eight, for a freshman director is to be chosen, an officer who ought to represent most thoroughly the shooting interest of the class.
