

The freshmen, who will be brought face to face with the Andover and Exeter elevens later in the fall, will read with interest a few facts on the relative merits of those teams as given in the Exonian. It says: "We have no grounds upon which to assume any superiority, and cannot, therefore, speak too encouragingly of victory this fall. Andover is trying, with every possible effort, to perfect the deficiencies of their team by constant training and practice. They are said to spend habitually from two to three hours each day at labor with the leather, and, although they fail to meet the average weight of our eleven, they are taking every precaution to excel on those points in which ours display a weakness. From the present standing of the two rival elevens, neither can boast of superiority, and, for the sake of prediction, we proclaim the laurels of victory to fall eventually to the eleven which, from now to November 15, shows by hard work and constant training the greater determination to win."
