
Fact and Rumor.

The Second Glee Club of Yale has twenty-two members.

The Princeton team averages 180 pounds in the rush line.

The first number of the Lampoon will appear this week Friday.

A number of promising candidates for the drum corps have appeared.

At a certain table at Memorial nothing but German is spoken at meals.


Of eight $200 scholarships recently awarded at Cornell, four went to lady students.

A movement is on foot at Amherst to erect a building for the use of the Y. M. C. A.

A man named Rubsamen who has entered Yale this fall, has a big record in the long jump.

Ex President Woolsley of Yale has resigned from the Yale corporation owing to old age.

Drum-Major Winslow has made arrangements to secure drums for the procession at reduced rates.

The third sheet of reterence notes in History 13, can be obtained from 2 to 5 P. M. at the Co-operative.

Wallace, Phillips Andover Academy '84, has been elected captain of the Yale freshman foot ball eleven.

The annual meeting of the Harvard Shooting Club will be held in Holden Chapel, at 7.30 tomorrow evening.

During the cane rush at Cornell one enterprising amateur secured an instantaneous photograph of the scrimmage.

A Harvard graduate in London is agitating the scheme of sending an American inter-collegiate foot ball team to England.
