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Perhaps there is but little need of reminding the college that today the first foot ball game of the season will take place on Jarvis Field, the game being with the Institute of Technology eleven. But to the eleven the game is of importance. It is to be the first test of what our men are capable of doing, and will show better than practice of a dozen afternoons, what promise there is of a good eleven this fall to play for the college championship. The players who will eventually form our eleven are not definitely fixed upon but the style of play in each succeeding game will do much to determine the captain and directors in their choice. This year the material to select from is in a large measure untried, but few of the last year's eleven remaining in college. This makes the task of selection more difficult, but hard work by all can do much towards making up for lack of experience on a former university eleven. The Tech men have obtained good grounds for practice this fall and will undoubtedly bring out a strong and active team for a scientific college of half our numbers, where the hours and opportunities are limited. The game will probably be well contested and certainly worth seeing, so that a word to the students ought to send a large crowd to properly back up the eleven in this their first match. Seats have been taken across from Holmes for the accommodation of spectators, and it is hoped that all men will pay their way in and not gaze over the fence, as has too often been the case in former years, when matches were being played on Jarvis.
