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No better example of the "Harvard indifference" which is so surely sapping the strength of our athletics could have been found than the meetings of the Boat Club and FootBall Association, held last evening. Both these meetings are held but once a year, and the societies holding them are two of the most important in the university, yet, to the shame of our students be it said. The number of men in attendance was so small that the assemblage actually looked lonesome within the walls of a hall of so diminutive proportions as Holden.

In another column will be found a notice of the Athletic Association meeting to be held this evening. Now let every man in college make it a special point to attend. Let Holden be so crowded as to necessitate an adjournment to Boylston. Let the officers of the Association feel that they have the support of the college, and that their efforts are appreciated, and try, though tardily, to atone for the disgrace of last night's neglect.
