

Electricity and Magnetism. Prof. Lovering. Harvard 3, 11 A. M.

Overseers. Stated meeting at No. 70 Water street, Boston, 11 A. M.

Latin Readings. Terence's Heauton Timorumenos (first half). Mr. Preble in Sever 11, 7.30 P. M. today.

Examination for entrance condition in French will be held today in U. E. R. at 4 P. M.

The section in Greek 7, will have a half-hour examination on the first half of Demosthenes' De Corona before the semis.


The Tech employs a professional artist to draw occasional sketches for the paper.

The revised tabular view for freshmen has been posted on the bulletin boards. It will go into effect today.

Mr. Wendell will meet the whole junior class next Tuesday for instruction in regard to the next theme.

Is it not time that the sign "Eastern Time" should be removed from the clock at Memorial?

History of American College Journalism, by J. F. McClure of Cambridge, is an interesting little work.

An election for president for the dining association will take place Friday at dinner. Nominations may be left with the auditor.

Much dissatisfaction is expressed at the action of the instructor in junior themes in requiring another theme before the semis.

There are one hundred and ninety college papers in the United States. The Brunonian is the oldest of all. having been established in 1829.

The tables at Memorial Hall remain full.

"French Readings," edited by W. J. Knapp, Street professor of modern languages in Yale College, is just published.

Saturday afternoon dances in the gymnasium, are features of student life at the Institute of Technology in Boston.

The Wesleyan College of Vermont is closed on account of an outbreak of scarlet fever among the students.

Vassar and Wellesley both lay claim to the young lady who amended Shakespeare thus: "Be not a negro of your speech."

The next junior theme will be due two weeks from yesterday, on Jan. 22. Subject, a criticism. The advanced section will hand one in on the same day.

Boston University has just received $40, 000 from the Hon. Alden Speare to endow a professorship in the college of Liberal Arts.

Gilbert and Sullivan's new opera, the Princess Ida, was brought out Saturday evening at the Savoy Theatre, London, and met with enthusiastic approval.

The initial concert of the Technology Glee Club was held in Boston on Jan. 2. A programme of twelve numbers, including a guitar solo, was rendered in a creditable manner.

The American colleges derive two-fifths of their income from tuition fees, which is four times the proportion which the English Universities get. Students furnish them with only one-tenth of their yearly resources.

Albert E. Kent of San Francisco, a member of the Yale class of 1853, who a year ago presented Yale with $50,000 for the purpose of erecting a chemical laboratory for the academical department, has added $25,000 to the original gift. The addition will necessitate a change in many of the plans projected for the laboratory, and will greatly increase its facilities.

The next meeting of the Harvard Union will be held in Sever 11, at 7.30 Tuesday evening, Jan. 15. Question for debate, Resolved, "That the requirement of Greek for admission to Harvard College should be abolished." Principal disputants, for the affirmative, Messrs. O. F. Hibbard, '84, and Roundy, '85; for the negative, Messrs Barnes, '84, and Young, '85.
