

There are about seventy-five men training for the various crews.

The skating on Fresh Pond is very good.

The Rev. Joseph H. Thayer is at present conducting chapel services.

President Eliot was present at the inauguration of Governor Robinson.

Prof. Libby, of Princeton, has offered a medal for the highest batting average during the coming season.


Prof. Laughlin gave an interesting lecture yesterday in Political Economy 1, on the Census.

Princeton possesses the identical electrical machine used by Dr. Franklin.

The advanced sections of the freshman class have been posted in University.

Sprague, the living skeleton, has disposed of his bones to Harvard Medical College, when he gets through with them.

Prof. John Nichol is preparing a volume of "Essays on English Literature," on, among others, Carlyle, Thackeray, Dickens, Macaulay, Tennynyson and Sidney Dobell.

Mr. W. J. Courthope's "Addison" and Dean Church's "Bacon" will be the next volumes in the "English Men of Letters."

The Volante, published at the University of Chicago, is of the opinion that Wordsworth was the author of "The Old Oaken Bucket."

Mr. Wm. M. Davis, the instructor in geology, will deliver a course of Lectures on Storms, before the Lowell Institute, Boston, commencing on Monday evening next. He will include an account of the workings of the Signal Service.

Bryn Mawr College, the legacy of Dr. J. Taylor of Burlington, N. J. will be opened to students in the autumn of 1885. It will offer to women good college education,

The late Dr. Calvin Ellis, formerly dean of the Medical School has left a large sum of money to his sister which will revert to the college when she dies.
