

Term-bills due 12 of January.

The tabular views for freshmen have been posted.

Among the celebrated visitors at the college last term was Dr. Landolt, one of the leading oculists of Paris.

Another effort for the Meig's elevated railroad will be made at the coming session of the state legislature.

A few weeks ago the queen's scholars at Westminster performed the "Trinummus" of Plautus.


The annual football match between Oxford and Cambridge for 1883-84 was won by Oxford. The play of the

During the Christmas recess the large lecture room in Dane Hall has been thoroughly renovated and painted.

A pen and ink sketch by Haig of Darwin's Study at Down House, Kent, has been placed in the library.

There are 110 students in the Cherokee National Male College which is a practical and prosperous institution.

Mr. Justin McCarthy's novels have been translated into Swedish and published at Stockholm.

A Japanese student has gained the first prize in natural history at the University of Leipsig for a zoological treatise.

In the Technology Athletic games Mr. Twombly '87, cleared 6 ft. 9 3-4 in. in the fence vault. F. A. Young won the standing high jump with 4 ft. 9 3-4 inches.

The regatta committee of the University of Pennsylvania, having received the formal declination of the Harvard Boat Club of a challenge to an eight-oared race, "Owing to other engagements already entered into with other colleges," will come to Cambridge if the race can be rowed here.

A Rugby football association, composed of former members of English clubs, has been organized in New York city.

William and Mary College in Virginia has been shut up because it had only half as much student as it has name. [Lowell Courier.
