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The juniors at Brown University have this year repeated the protest made a year ago against appointing speakers to the junior exhibition on their general rank, rather than upon their oratorical and rhetorical standing, and refuse to hold an exhibition if the old system is adhered to.

The committee of Williamstown students appointed to devise a suitable memorial for Nathan Gest, of the senior class, who was recently killed while coasting, have rejected the plans of a new bridge and have decided on founding a library for the aid of historical research, to be called the "Gest Memorial Library." The seniors have already subscribed $359, the juniors $223, the sophomores $128 and the freshmen $80, and it is hoped the subscription when complete will amount to $1000. The library will be in one of the classrooms and open to all at all hours.

The "Professor" of Mesmerism, whose entertainment was so ruthlessly broken up by Princeton students last week, has been having further trouble. About noon last Monday he was discovered perambulating through the entries of Witherspoon Hall, entering rooms the occupants of which were absent. He claimed to be looking for certain phrenological charts which were torn from the walls by the crowd who broke up his show, and which he believed were concealed in some of the students' rooms. He was summarily ejected by the college police, as the college law forbids strangers the privileges of the buildings unless accompanied by students or having obtained permission from the same. After some altercation, the unfortunate scientist went to his hotel, packed his trunk, and left town.
