

The regular quarterly meeting of the Harvard Club of San Francisco, was held on January 17th at the Palace Hotel, thirty members present and Horace Davis presiding. Much enthusiasm and good-fellow-ship prevailed, and the following new members were added to the roll: Walter Nelson Bush, '82; H.H. Sherwood, '82; G. F. McLellan, '85; John C. Wigmore, '83; George Griswold, '80; John D. Sherwood, '83; Osgood Putnam '83. The election of officers for the ensuing year resulted as follows: President, John W. Taylor; first vice-president, Judge B. C. Whitman; second vice-president, Professor George W. Minns; secretary, Frank J. Symmes (reelected); treasurer, Pelham W. Ames (reelected).

Among the topics of the evening was the idea of rendering some substantial aid to the University of California, and a committee was appointed to confer with the regents of the California University as to the most useful method of furnishing or endowing a scholarship in the name of the Harvard Club of San Francisco. This association has always entertained the most friendly feelings towards the university at Berkeley, and has more than once expressed itself in this direction, and whilst its affection for Harvard never diminishes-but is constantly on the increase, if any one may judge from the growing membership and activity of the club-it recognizes the duty California men owe to California institutions, and stands ready to do a share in the work.
