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To support our assertion in Saturday's issue that Columbia held the same opinion of Pennsylvania's action as the HERALD CRIMSON we print the following extracts from the editorial column of the latest Acta Columbiana. "The University of Pennsylvania has evibecome tired of such unsatisfactory victories as those she has won in the past few years over Princeton, and now longs for greater glory. To say the least, the university has taken a strange way of winning renown. And yet when we consider that it is the U. of Penn. that has invented this new way of becoming champion oarsmen, it is not so strange after all. The university has simply reached the climax of its boating policy, which policy has always been, first to say 'You can't whip me,' and after being whipped to claim that 'You ca' t do it again.'

Last year, after we had defeated the university eight in the Passiac regatta, (their defeat being of course claimed to be unfair), they immediately sent us a challenge for a two mile race, which challenge was very properly not accepted.

At last the university has become desperate and thinks to frighten American colleges into rowing with her by declaring that unless within sixty days her challenges are accepted she will claim the championship of America. By all means let her claim it if it will bring her any satisfaction, but if she expects that 'public opinion' will support her claim we fear she is doomed to bitter disappointment."
