

The next Harvard Assembly will be at Papanti's, January 31st.

Oxford has six hundred and twenty five Freshmen.

Prof. Farlow writes on the "Cryptogamic Flora of the White Mountains" in the last number of Appalachia.

Rev. Alexander McKenzie will conduct weekday morning prayers during February.

The Yale University Crew ran nine miles Wednesday. Stricter training is to be enforced from this time.


Dr. Sargent will give the fourth of his talks on "Physical Training," this evening at Union Hall, 18 Boylston street. Subject, "The Uses of the Gymnasium."

Commencing Feb. 1, Charles Scribner and Sons will issue "The Book-Buyer," a monthly library journal containing a concise summary of American and foreign literature.

It is hoped that several new men will enter for the General Excellence Prize in the winter meetings, as the gentleman who has held that prize for two years graduated with the class of '83.

Harvard is all alive, even in midwinter, with the rowing fever. Eighty of her students are in training for her several crews. The University and Class crews began regular preparatory work on the 3d of January. [Ex.

Franklin and Marshal College, at Lancaster, Pa., has received a bequest of $10,000, for the purpose of building an observatory.

F. B. Gummere, lately instructor in English at Harvard, contributes an article on "The English Personal Pronoun" to the last number of the American Journal of Philology

The first number of the Bay State Monthly, a Massachusetts magazine, has just been published in Boston. Its contents are of interest not only to an inhabitant of Massachusetts but to the general reader as well.

The class teams are beginning to train for the tug-of-war. The '86 team will lose the services of Mr. T. H. Cabot, who is at present rowing on the University crew. Some change too will be necessary in the '85 team, on account of the increased weight of the men.

At the athletic games of the South Boston Athletic Club held last Saturday evening, the standing high jump was won by a record of 4 ft. 9 inch, the running high jump, 5 ft. 4 in. and the high kick, 8 ft. 4 1-2 in. No time was taken in the runs on account of the small size of the track.

The directors of the cooperative society have elected Professor J. B. Ames, president in the place of Professor J. W. White, resigned, and have voted to admit the annex to membership. The business of the society is to be extended to groceries, in order to accommodate the families of professors and instructors.

It is now announced that the Amherst library contains 43,000 volumes. The present management is very satisfactory, and Mr. Fletcher, the new librarian, is regarded as one of the best the college ever had. The cost of changing and enlarging the old building was $47,000, a large part of which sum was contributed by Hon. David Sears and John A. Burnham of Boston.

The number of entries for the winter sports of the Union Amateur Athletic Club, which will be held at the Institute Rink, next Wednesday evening, is larger this year than ever before.-Among the contestants are the following gentlemen from the Harvard Athletic Association; C. H. Atkinson, '85, running high jump; Wendell Baker, '86, quarter mile run; E. A. Thomson, '87, mile run, (handicap.) There will also be a tug-of-war team from the Harvard Law School.
