

Mr. W. B. Noble, '84, has left college.

The Catalogue of the Institute of Technology will be issued this month.

'85 has a second eight in training for their class crew.

There will be a half hour examination in Greek 7 next Thursday.

Recitations for the three upper classes cease on the 22d of this month.


Oliver Wendell Holmes is preparing a life of Emerson for publication.

The University of Kansas is jubilant over a new laboratory. Ex.

Of the three hundred and sixty colleges in the United States, two hundred are practically match factories. [Ex.

The final list of the semis has been posted. We believe there are no changes.

There will be a very important meeting of the '84, Pi Eta in the rooms tonight at 7.30.

Amherst is said to have the finest collection of birds in any American college.

A Choctaw Indian, who graduates this year at Roanoke College, will give his graduating oration in his native tongue. [Ex.

In accordance with the will of the late Lewis Morgan, $100,000 will go to Rochester University, to be used for the education of women.

The late Mrs. Charles H. Northam of Hartford, Conn., leaves about $100,000 to Trinity College and the Hartford hospital.

Mr. Ruskin is urging the University of Oxford to erect some new buildings for the art workers. He wants something better for them than the cellar now provided the students.
