

At a meeting of the executive committee of the H. U. B. C., it was decided to hold the following races on Thursday, May 10: Single sculls two miles with a turn at 3.30 P. M.; class eights at 4 P. M. Entrance fee $2.00 for singles and $30.00 for the class eights. Entries close Wednesday, May 9, at 1 P. M. No entries will be received from any class crew whose dues to the boat club are unpaid. The following officers were elected: referee, W. S. Eaton, Jr., time keepers, W. A. Bancroft and T. J. Coolidge, Jr.; judges at the finish, H. G. Chapman and F. M. Howe. Besides these officers, each crew shall appoint a judge from their own class to follow the race on the tug.


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