
H. A. A.

Extra Meeting.

The extra meeting last evening was rather poorly attended, and very little enthusiasm was shown.

Clark, Denniston, Atkinson and Morison appeared for the running high jump. Dennison was suffering with a sprained ankle and stopped jumping at 5 ft. 2 in. The event was won by Atkinson who cleared 5 ft. 3-10 in. by over an inch. He jumped in excellent form.

The rope climbing was won by Marquand, who reached the top of the gymnasium in 23 3-4 minutes, thus beating his Saturday record by 11 1/4 seconds.

Soren won the standing high, going over at 4 ft. 8 1/2 in.; he was unable to make a better record owing to the bad light.

Walker, Fox and Morison did very well on the flying rings.


Soren, Mandell and Field entered for the pole vault. All went over at 8 ft. 7 1/2 in., but Field dropped out at 9 3/4 in. The bar was then put up to 9 ft. 10 in. or over the college record, but neither Soren or Mandell went over. In his last try Soren slightly dislocated his shoulder.

The horizontal bar was about the same as Saturday.

Kimball won the high kick with a record of 8 ft 3 1/2 in.

Fox, Denniston, Morison and Fay were entered for the tumbling. Fox did remarkably well, notwithstanding his sprained wrist. Denniston also executed his teats with much skill and finish.

The tug-of-war between the Law and Medical Schools proved the event of the evening. The teams had been in hard training for over twenty-four hours, and showed up magnificently. The Law School won the drop, the Medical School veering around on the cleats in a most obliging manner. Valiantly the M. D.'s braced to their work, however, and by hard fighting gained back considerable rope, but in vain. The law did not release its grip, but held on bravely to the end. The Victorians team were, Hemenway, '81; Lane, '82; Cook, '82 (capt.); Andrews, '82.
