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The changes in the foot-ball rules which were made in the recent Inter-collegiate convention seem to us to be both wise and practicable. The alteration in the number of points that a safety and a touchdown count is manifestly a much fairer valuation than that which the old method employed. Rule 17 which reads "a player cannot be off-side play. Rules 19 and 38 as now amended seem to cove the points they bring up, much more satisfactorily than the old ones. A most judicious change has also been made in having the games for the future refereed by alumni, for it is her that a great dell of the trouble about the "rough game" is to be found. This change will not only do await with any leniency in executing the rules, such as a foot-ball player in sympathy with the "rough game" might naturally feel, but will also put the control of the games into the hands of certain ones, who while interested in the game, are yet entirely removed from any feeling of partiality. The whole tenor of the changes seems to be quite in harmony with the views that the committee on athletics have expressed. If the rules are fully executed, we see no reason why the game should be further objected to, unless, indeed, objections to Rugby foot-ball in itself are brought up.
