

The Athletic Association has voted to hold a fall athletic meeting to consist wholly of handicap events. The meeting will probably be held on Jarvis field, as there are several objections to using the new track this fall. This will prevent any bicycle race. The events will be, 100 yards dash, 220 yards dash, 1-4 mile run, 1-2 mile run, 1 mile run, 1 mile walk, 120 yards hurdle race. running high jump, running broad jump, pole vault, throwing the hammer and putting the shot-all handicap. It is hoped that the experiment will succeed in bringing out both new and old men, and that the races will be more closely contested than has been the case in most of our meetings. The officers of the association realize that every one cannot be satisfied by the handicaps but will do their best to make close races. Entries will not close before Tuesday, October 23d.

T. J. COOLIDGE, President.
