

BOSTON, June 5th, 1882.

The Union Boat Club having felt for some time that encouragement should be given to Amateur rowing in New England, propose to hold a regatta on Saturday, June 17th, 1882, at one o'clock P. M., open to members of all Amateur Clubs.

Entries are solicited for the following races, viz: Eights, fours, pairs, doubles and singles, and we trust your club will be represented in one or more of these classes, for should this regatta be successful we hope it will result in an Annual Spring Regatta for Amateur Oarsmen.

The Union Boat Club will offer suitable prizes to winners of each class, and should three or more boats compete in any class, second prizes will be awarded. The races, with exception of eights, will be one mile and return, and will be rowed under the rules and regulations of National Association of Amateur Oarsmen.

Entries must be made to William S. Eaton, Jr., Captain U. B. C., No. 2 Foster's Wharf, Boston, Mass., previous to six o'clock P. M., June 14th, 1882.

The hospitalities of the Union Boat Club are hereby tendered to visiting oarsmen.


Per order Executive Committee ofUNION BOAT CLUB,By J. O. SHAW, JR., Sec'y.The Narragansett and Harvards have already entered for an eight-oared race.
