


Strikes still continue among the Western iron mills, with no prospect of a settlement.

George Henry, third Marquess of Conygham, is dead, aged 57. He was equerry to the Queen and a lieutenant-general in the army.

It is announced in Washington that Francis B. Hayes will be a candidate for the Republican nomination for Congress in the new Fifth District of Massachusetts.

The boat race between class crews '83, '84 and '85 of Bowdoin College at Brunswick, Me., yesterday, distance, three miles, was won by '83. Time, 21m. 40s.

The House war claims committee agreed yesterday to the bill to pay Mrs. Farr of New York, who fed Union soldiers in New York city during the war, $17,000.


A private telegram from Colorado announces the death yesterday of Commander Terry of the navy, of consumption. He was a grandson of Maj. Nathaniel Terry of Hartford, Ct., and a cousin of Maj. Gen. Terry.

Gen. Garibaldi, who has been lying ill with bronchitis at his farm in Caprera, was yesterday pronounced to be in a dangerous condition, and all the members of his family residing in Rome and Genoa were summoned to his bedside. He failed rapidly, and died at 6.30 o'clock last evening.

The police commissioners of New York yesterday afternoon received an opinion from the corporation council on the issue between the police and the bookmakers at Jerome Park. It says that pending the present injunction the police cannot make arrests without being adjudged guilty of contempt of court.

Lieut. J. W. Danenhower paid an official visit to the Navy Department yesterday, reporting his return home and presenting a detailed account of his expenditures for audit. He also brought the log-book of the Jeannette, Capt. DeLong's broken rifle and articles found in caches by Engineer Melville in his search for De Long.

Base-ball yesterday : At Boston - Bostons, 6; Buffalos, 5. At Providence - Providence, 8; Detroit, 7. At Pittsburg - Allegheny, 8; St. Louis, 2. At Brunswick, Me., - Bowdoins, 12; Tufts, 7. At New York - Clevelands, 5; Metropolitans, 3. At Philadelphia - Chicagos, 11; Philadelphias, 9; Cincinnatis, 7; Athletics, 1.

THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., June 3. 1882 - 1 A. M. For New England, slightly warmer southeast to southwest winds; stationary or lower barometer and partly cloudy weather, with rain during the afternoon and evening.
