


Don Cameron thinks he has won a victory at Harrisburg.

Ex-Secretary Blaine says he is going abroad to spend two or three years.

The Democrats filibustered yesterday at Albany on the railroad commission bill.

There is a general local sentiment in favor of the sale of the Brooklyn Navy Yard.

There has been a terrible explosion of fire-damp in a mine at Westphalia, by which a number of lives were lost.


An engine on the N. Y. & N. E. R. R. "ran wild" yesterday at Hartford, doing considerable damage in the freight yard.

Nobody responded to Sullivan's offer at Harry Hill's theatre yesterday to pay $500 to any one who would take four rounds of his sparring.

The reunion of the army of the Tennessee was continued yesterday in St. Louis amid great enthusiasm. The day was declared a holiday by the mayor.

Base-ball : In Boston - Bostons, 5; Providence, 1. At Worcester - Troys, 4; Worcester's 0. Rain prevented games at Detroit and Chicago. The Bostons play at Providence today.

The hearing of the court in banc on Guiteau's case has begun at Washington. The opening arguments for the prosecution were made yesterday, and the question of jurisdiction considered.

In the legislature yesterday three reports were made on the case of Judge Day, changes were proposed in the redistricting bill, a bill was reported providing a State metropolitan police and the Longfellow Memorial Association was incorporated.

CONGRESS.The House yesterday resumed consideration of the Geneva award bill, establishing a commission to examine claims and enter judgments. A bill was reported appropriating $10,000,000 annually as a national educational fund. The election committee has decided to report in favor of Lowe, the Greenbacker, in the Lowe. Wheeler Alabama contest. In the Senate the Court of Appeals bill was further discussed. It was charged that President Arthur has promised to appoint a number of Democrats to judgeships in the event of the bill's passage. The Indian appropriation bill was passed. Worthington's case will be decided tomorrow and his confirmation is expected.

FOREIGN.Parnell will probably soon come to an open rupture with the Fenian wing of the Land League on account of his conciliatory attitude toward the government. An extraordinary bill to repress crime was yesterday introduced in the House of Commons. The funeral of Lord Cavendish took place yesterday, attended by a large crowd of notables, including Gladstone. Further attempts are being made to discover the assassins, and several arrests have been made on suspicion. Mr. Trevelyan, the new chief secretary, has arrived in Dublin.

THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., May 12, 1882 - 1 A.M. For New England, cloudy weather, with rain, easterly winds, stationary or lower temperature and pressure.

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