

Greek 2 begins the "Cyclop" of Euripides today.

The elective pamphlet will probably be out next week.

Found - A green stiff hat. Owner can get it at Drury's.

Most of the men in Chemistry 1 have finished the laboratory work.

The University Eleven were photographed yesterday in front of Grays.


The Freshmen defeated the Andovers yesterday by a score of 15 to 11.

Bean has about recovered, and will probably be in good condition by Saturday.

It is rumored that the tug-of-war team will not go to the inter-collegiate games.

The Pi Eta group will be taken on the steps of Matthews at 1.30 this afternoon.

Bicycles will not be allowed upon the track on Jarvis until the meeting Monday.

The Alpha Delta Phi were photographed yesterday on the north side of the library.

The Providence and Boston nines will play this afternoon on the South End grounds.

The track is now in excellent condition, and is being carefully levelled and smoothed.

The O. B. K. group (senior members) will be photographed today at 2.30 on the steps of Matthews.

The K. N. group from '82 will be photographed at 4.00 P. M. today on the steps of Matthews.
