


Hart Jackson died at his residence, 148 Fifth avenue, this morning, of pleuro-pneumonia, after a two-weeks' illness.

The Union League Club of New York last night passed resolutions approving President Arthur's veto of the Chinese bill.

A terrific boiler explosion occurred in Baltimore yesterday, by which seven persons were killed and two buildings demolished.

The House yesterday passed the Senate bill appropriating $10,000 for the erection of a monument at the grave of Thomas Jefferson.

The race for the 23d Newmarket biennial stakes yesterday was won by the Duke of Hamilton's Fiddler, Lord Falmouth's Great Carle second.


The steamer Manitoba, from Boston for Glasgow, is ashore near Greenock. Efforts to get her off have thus far proved ineffectual, but it is expected that she will float soon.

City Commissioner Wm. S. Douglass of Philadelphia was arrested yesterday on the charge of assaulting a reporter, who was in quest of information about the new public buildings.

The defalcation of Cashier Ruth of the Washington (Pa.) bank probably amounts to $75,000 or $80,000. He has been arrested for embezzlement on the oath of one of his bondsmen.

In the U. S. Senate, today, Mr. Lapham asked for an entry upon the record to the effect that, if present, he would have voted against the passage of the anti-Chinese bill over the President's veto.

Base ball yesterday.-At St. Louis, Detroit, 4; St. Louis, O. At Pittsburg, Cleveland, 11; Alleghany, 7; At New York, Metropolitan, 8; Providence, 2; At Providence, Brown Univer-22; Narragansett, 2.

A dispatch from Paris says that the Marquis of Anglesey, who was married on the 26th of June, 1880, to the widow of Hon. Henry Wodehouse, daughter of Mr. J. P. King of Georgia, U. S. A., has separated from his wife.

THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., April 14, 1882-1 A. M. For New England fair weather, northwesterly winds, stationary or higher barometer and temperature.
