

Hare and hounds is popular at Yale this term.

The freshmen have an examination today at 2 P. M. in Latin.

The Co-operative Society now numbers seven hundred members.

The 'Varsity eleven played a practice game with the freshmen yesterday.

The freshman crews take a two-mile run out North avenue every afternoon.


The examination books in Freshman Geometry will not be returned for several weeks.

The candidates for the freshman crew will be coached in pair-oars sometime during the week.

S. Coolidge, '83, and J. B. Walker, '84, will be the hares in the hare and hounds run Thursday.

A young lady junior of Cornell recently addressed a letter to "Harvard College, Cambridge, Conn."

The bow weight in the gymnasium rowing room is out of order. It should be replaced immediately, as it places the crews at some inconvenience.

A complimentary ticket of admission to the Olympic Skating Rink was placed at each seat at Memorial last night. A foot-ball match occurs there this evening.

Although the Yale papers are constantly warning their team of Harvard's strength and confidence, the popular sentiment in the college is that Yale will have no trouble in gaining a victory next week.

Princeton's whole energies this year, according to the impressions of a visiting Yale man, seem bent on athletics. The class teams are all, from freshman to senior, hard at work, and they will make a desperate effort to beat Yale.

The item in yesterday's HERALD to the effect that the freshman eleven is endeavoring to arrange a match with the Princeton freshman eleven was a mistake. A challenge was sent to the Princeton freshmen to play last Saturday, but it was declined.
