

No Headline

We desire to alter, if possible, the impression given by the leading editorial in the Crimson of November 11, that a petition requesting the extension of the Thanksgiving recess from Wednesday until Monday, was entirely neglected by the faculty. The editorial was, no doubt, generated by the proper spirit, but when we know the true facts of the case we shall see that it has not the slightest ground for its flippant sarcasm. We learn from the best authority that a petition was found by the dean on his table, signed by several hundred names of students in different departments of the university whose affairs are not governed or regulated by the college faculty at all. This petition was not addressed to any one and not presented by any one who should serve as a medium between faculty and students, but simply left on the dean's table.

The presentation of a petition with no address is in itself sufficient recommendation for no notice. But this unanimous expression of the students' desire for one more play-day to be added to their Thanksgiving recess, was in no wise slighted and will be considered and acted upon in due time. These few facts might well be stated here. In the first place, the appointment of vacations, their lengthening and shortening, is made by the corporation; secondly, the vacations, which have hitherto been satisfactory, are appointed in the statutes, and lastly, the college faculty is utterly powerless in the matter and can only recommend changes of any such nature to the corporation. Next Monday evening, therefore, this petition will be considered. It will either be laid on the table or referred to the corporation with or without recommendation. The Crimson is progressive, we know, and we admire its progressive spirit, but, as in the present instance, let not its head in its progression get so far ahead of its feet that the feet stumble over the facts which lie plainly on the ground before them.
