

Keep advertises to re-tail shirts.

We cannot furnish files of the HERALD to date.

The freshman crew now practise in the afternoon.

Pach has not yet commenced to take the class groups.

Next sophomore theme is due probably February 23.


There are seventeen men trying for the freshman crew.

Mr. Bancroft is now coaching the '82 and '83 class crews.

Found - A note-book on geology; can be had at 17 Hollis.

The new Yale book, "The City of Elms," is now on sale.

Graduate History B and C examination in University 20.

The Institute of Technology gymnasium was built entirely from students' subscriptions.

Debater, Speaking on temperance: "Gentlemen, now all know the evil effects of alcoholic liquors."

The sale of seats for the Greek play performances at the Globe will begin next Tuesday morning.

Several members of the Harvard chapter of the Beta Theta Pi attended the union dinner given in Providence last evening.

Cut in freshman algebra yesterday. The lesson for next time will be duly posted for the benefit of those who were absent.

Never speak to a man engaged in footing up a column of figures, for there's nothing so deaf as an adder. - [Cambridge Tribune.

The Hub Bicycle Club No. 2 announce their first annual ball to take place at Paine Memorial Hall, Appleton street, Thursday evening, January 19.

The funeral services of Delano H. Goddard, editor of the Boston Daily Advertiser, were held at King's Chapel yesterday afternoon, many distinguished men being present.

The university crew rowed in the following order yesterday in the gymnasium: Perkins, 1; Sawyer, 2; Cabot, 3; Hammond, 4; Clarke, 5; Hudgens, 6; Chalfant, 7; Curtis, stroke.

The gymnasium yesterday afternoon was a scene of great activity. The university and class crews were all practising, and it seemed as if nearly every machine in the gymnasium was occupied.

The principal part of the mid-year examination in Sophomore Rhetoric will be on the lectures delivered by Mr. Hill during the term. A knowledge of the contents of the books recommended will be necessary.

In Latin 1 the Monday morning readings of "Terence," by Mr. Smith, will be discontinued, and the rest of the time before the semi-annuals will be devoted to "Cicero's Letters."

The examination in Chemistry 2 will include blow-pipe analysis, crystallography and the first group of minerals. An examination upon the second group will be given after the mid-years.

Recently we had the pleasure of seeing a new photograph of our genial friend, Daniel Pratt. He stands with one hand resting on a terrestrial globe, and the other extended in the familiar gesture which he employs in his great lecture on "Bell's" Lettres.

While Rev. Joseph Cook was a student in the Andover Theological Seminary he acquired the sobriquet of "Bucephalus" from the following circumstance: He was noted for using very flowery language. Taking his turn one Sunday in preaching before the students, as was their wont, he used the phrase, "Like the half-starved and famished bucephalus would ruminate among the verdant clover, so will our famished souls enjoy the ethereal mansions."

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