

BOSTON MUSEUM. - 7.45 P. M.; Matinees, Wednesday and Saturday at 2. For the rest of this week, and next week until Thursday, Mr. Boucicault as Myles-na-Coppaleen, in the "Colleen Bawn." On Thursday "Suit a Mor" ("The O'Dowd") for the rest of the week, when ends Mr. Boucicault's most successful engagement.

BOSTON THEATRE. - 8 P. M; Matinee, Saturday at 2. For the rest of the week, Mestayer's "Pour Prendre Conge." Next week, Bernhardt. Monday, and Saturday Matinee, "Camille;" Tuesday, "L'Etrangere;" Wednesday, "Frou-Frou;" Thursday, "La Princesse Georges;" Friday, "Adrienne." Saturday evening not yet announced.

GAIETY THEATRE. - 7.45 P. M.; Matinees, Wednesday and Saturday at 2. For the rest of this week Barlow, Wilson, & Co.'s Minstrels in "All-I've-eat." Next week, revival of "Olivette."

GLOBE THEATRE. - 7.45 P. M.; Matinees, Wednesday and Saturday at 2. For the rest of the week, "Little Em'ly," the cast strengthened by the addition of Mrs. Thos. Barry, Mrs. Agnes Booth, Mr. J. J. Sullivan, and Mr. E. Lamb, Messrs. O'Neill, Boniface, and Shannon of last week's cast, together with Mrs. C. F. Meeder and Miss Cary, being still with the company. On Monday next "Harverly's European Mastodon Minstrels."

PARK THEATRE. - 7.45 P. M.; Matinees, Wednesday and Saturday at 2. For the rest of this week, and next week, the "Gosche-Hopper" Company in "100 Wives."

