

THERE are 30,000 students in American colleges.

CLASS lives may be left at 3 Grays as well as at 33.

MR. LONGFELLOW will be seventy-three years old on February 27.

THE ballot-box will be ready in the reading-room on Monday morning.

PROFESSOR YOUNG has resigned his professorship in the Divinity School.


RUSSIAN students have been placed under the strictest military discipline.

PROFESSOR LANE'S exhaustive Latin Grammar will be published in the spring.

ONLY one half of the students in the Medical School have college diplomas.

THE Yale Alumni of Boston and vicinity dined at Young's Hotel last evening.

IT is now in order for some college paper to offer a clock to the new Gymnasium.

THE original Harvard Hall was destroyed one hundred and sixteen years ago.

THE next meeting of the O. K. will be held on the evening of Tuesday, February 17.

FRESHMEN will be pleased to learn that the Cambridge police force has been reduced.

MR. JOHN O. SARGENT has been elected President of the Harvard Club in New York.

ALL past members of the O. K. are cordially invited to attend the meetings of the club.
