
University Symphony Concerts.


A series of Five Orchestral Concerts will be given in Sanders Theatre (Memorial Hall) if a sufficient number of subscriptions for season tickets is received before October 20, to assure the success of the undertaking.

The BROOKLYN PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA of fifty performers will be engaged for the five concerts. This is the orchestra formerly conducted by Theodore Thomas, * and is now under the able leadership of Mr. Thomas's assistant-conductor, Mr. W. S. Dietrich. Madame Rive-King, the eminent pianist, Mr. Remenyi, the celebrated Hungarian violinist, Mr. Courtney, the English Tenor, and other distinguished soloists, will appear at these concerts.

Season-tickets $5.00. The subscription-list is now open at the University Bookstore, Harvard Square. Subscribers may select their seats at the time of subscription. The first concert will take place about the middle of November. Full particulars will soon be announced.

As the necessary arrangements must be made without delay, your immediate attention is earnestly requested.

J. K. PAINE, for the Committee.CAMBRIDGE, Oct. 9, 1878.


THE list of those petitions which are granted each week is to be posted hereafter on the Bulletin Board.

THE society of "Christian Brethren" will hold a prayer-meeting in 24 College House every Thursday evening at half past six o'clock. All are cordially invited to be present.

THE number of men taking the courses in American History is not forty-five, as stated in the Advocate, but about one third of that number. Only three men have appeared in History 5. This is the course in which twelve men out of twenty in one class were conditioned last year.

THE statements made by Freshmen on registering their preferred place of worship vary a great deal. One man says that he shall attend church in "different places," another says, "probably Mr. Brooks's" and a third confesses, "Have n't made up my mind."

IN its review of Professor Hill's Rhetoric the Literary World has the following remark (the italics are our own): "Mr. Hill illustrates his treatise by copious citations from the works of others, - in a large part, rumor says, the theses and other exercises in composition of Harvard students; but not wholly so, for he is obviously a watchful reader of all best literature, and has read pencil in hand." Besides the compliment to our literary productions, what a vivid picture those last lines bring before us!

A MEETING of the Harvard Rifle Corps was held at the Gymnasium last Monday evening, when civil and battalion officers for the ensuing half-year were elected. The corps enters upon a new year with every prospect of success. Its members have been increased, and a new company will be added from the Freshman class. It is not always that a college organization which requires a little earnest work succeeds in triumphing over college indifference. That the Rifle Corps has so succeeded is now well assured; and it is to be hoped that the University at large will take an interest in the work which the corps is doing. The importance of a knowledge of military drill is well known; and the corps offers great facilities for drill to all members of the University. Excellent rifles and accoutrements have been provided by the State; and the new Gymnasium will have a spacious armory, and afford a drill-hall unequalled by any in New England. The time required by the corps - one hour a week - is next to nothing, and this time is pleasantly spent. The organization differs from other college societies chiefly in being open to all. - The first regular drill of the year will take place at the Gymnasium next Monday evening at 6.30. All members of the Class of '82 who are interested in military drill are cordially invited to attend as spectators. - A meeting of the Freshman Class for the purpose of forming a class company will be held at the Gymnasium, Tuesday next, at 6.30 P. M.

RIDING in a buggy

On a summer night,

Sat a Harvard Junior

With a maiden bright.

Maiden very timid,

Student very bold

(Maid a little prudish

If the truth were told).

On the seat behind her

Lay the student's arm,

Maiden in a flutter

Feared she 'd come to (h) arm.

Suddenly horses started -

"Take both hands, for I 've - "

Student interrupted,

Some one's got to drive."

* MR. Thomas will conduct several of the Brooklyn Symphony Concerts this winter.
