


TWO chambers hath the heart;


Are Joy and Grief apart.

If Joy awake in one,

Then slumbers


Grief silently alone.

O Joy, care take,

Speak gently,

That Grief may not awake.

II.THE STARS.SHINING unmoved forever

The stars in heaven above;

Their light is emblematic

Of true and faithful love.

They speak a language all their own,

So pure, and yet so sweet,

It puzzles e'en philologists

Who in wise council meet.

But long ago their lore I learned;

And, were they quenched above,

One star would still be left to me, -

The star of faithful love.

III.THE WILD-FLOWER.IN the woods I strayed;

What brought me there

I did not know,

Nor did I care.

In the shade I spied,

Of heavenly hue,

A little flower,

Like eyes of blue.

I stooped to pluck.

It softly said:

"Soon shall I lie

Among the dead!"

I took it up

With tender care,

And bore it home

To plant it there.

It groweth now

Beside my door,

The sweetest flower

Earth ever bore.

IV.THE FISHER-MAID.THOU beautiful fisher-maiden,

Row swift thy boat to land;

Come here and sit beside me,

We 'll whisper, hand in hand.

Thy little head upon my breast,

No need of fear with me;

Art thou not ever fearless

Upon the boisterous sea?

My breast is like the heaving sea,

With storms and ebb and flow,

And many a priceless pearl

Sleeps in its depths below.

A. L. H.
