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THOSE people who carry around the subscription-paper often complain that signers are not to be found in such numbers as the justness of their cause seems to demand. Perhaps the number of the papers has something to do with these complaints, but one great cause of unwillingness to give liberally is to be found in the fact that the givers have only the faintest idea where all the money goes to. The Hokey Pokey Club need money to purchase new uniforms, or to play the Yale Club. A subscription-paper is passed around, the club appear in their uniforms, or the newspapers chronicle the result of the game; and soon another subscription-paper is circulated to pay a deficit. Now what the College wants is a full statement of where every cent of the money subscribed has gone; and this we have a right to expect. While we have no word of complaint to utter against a single club, we think it eminently just that every treasurer should keep, for the benefit of those who help to support that club, a careful account of every expenditure, and that such accounts should from time to time be made public. If the expenditures are found to be necessary (as it is presumed they will be found), students will subscribe much more readily; and, besides, this plan will accustom us to those business ways which we must get into the minute we step beyond college walls, and which it is best to begin here.
