

No Headline

FOR some years influences tending to materially change the nature of Class Day have been at work. With the increase of numbers in the classes came the abolishment of the rush around the tree; then the tree exercises themselves were attacked severely by those who thought all such exhibitions boyish in the extreme; the office of chaplain was dropped or resumed at the pleasure of the particular class; and each year has made more evident the fact that Class Day is enjoyable, not because of its literary exercises, or because of its class-tree exercises, but because of the social enjoyment which the day affords, - in a word, the spreads and the dancing are Class Day. Whether there will be spreads and dancing this year still remains to be seen; but we doubt not that hereafter there will be no public exercises, and that the day will be devoted entirely to social enjoyment. Nor is the change to be regretted, since under the new system both host and guest would take an active part in the festivities; and, what is of more consequence, class elections, that source of endless troubles experienced in this and almost every other college, would be done away with. If, then, we can preserve the main features of Class Day, and purchase freedom from class election strifes at the expense of trite literary and class-tree exercises, the bargain ought never to be regretted.
