

THE Freshman Crew have disbanded.

THE O. K. Strawberry Night will probably take place June 13.

PROFESSOR HEDGE will lecture on Schiller next Tuesday afternoon.

THE rooms opposite the Boylston Hall entrance to the Yard are to be arranged for the use of students.

THE SIGNET have decided to have a strawberry night instead of a dinner. It will probably occur June 8.


THE Rev. Phillips Brooks was prevented from preaching to the S. Paul's Society on Monday on account of important business.

AMONG the gifts to the Johns Hopkins University Library was one of over a hundred volumes from Mrs. Jared Sparks, of Cambridge.

WE had intended to give our readers the war news of the week, but regret to say that the daily papers and the Nation have got ahead of us.

THE K. N. gave some theatricals in Conservatory Hall, Cambridgeport, last Monday evening. The Freshman Orchestra furnished the music.

THE Society whose colors have been borrowed by the Weld Boat-Club feels highly flattered, but suggests that all the combinations of colors have not yet been exhausted.

THE solution of the problem of the origin of evil has been furnished by a correspondent of the Transcript, who says that immorality at Harvard is due to electives in Philosophy.

THE Institute Supper will take place on Thursday the 24th inst. The Committee have not settled whether it shall be at Young's or Parker's. Tickets will be ready early next week.

THE University Nine play their first game with Yale at New Haven, May 26. The Freshmen play their second game on June 2, at the same place.

As will be seen by reference to the arrangement of examinations to be found in another column the annuals will begin on Monday, May 28, and not on Saturday the 26th, as stated last week.

THE First Ten of the Institute of 1770 from the class of '80 are as follows: W. Hooper, G. Griswold, R. Bacon, C. Ware, A. W. Hooper, C. M. Weld, H. Jackson, E. Brooks, W. T. Blodgett, R. N. Ellis.

THE University Crew are to have their pictures taken seated in their boat. The pictures, which are to be large size, will be sold for two dollars each, and persons desiring to obtain one are requested to hand their names to the Captain, Mr. Bancroft.

WE fully appreciate the difficulty of preparing the Tabular View, but it seems to us rather hard that students who take Latin 8 and Greek 11, the regular Senior Classics, should have every course in History except History 9 and 10 - the latter of which is a graduate course - closed to them.

THE tide will be high at the boat-house during the next two weeks at the following hours: -

May 19 5.05 P.M. May 26 11.20 A. M.

May 20 6.05 P.M. May 27 12.20 P.M.

May 21 7.05 P.M. May 28 1.05 P.M.

May 22 8.05 P.M. May 29 1.50 P.M.

May 23 9.05 P.M. May 30 2.20 P.M.

May 24 9.35 A.M. May 31 3.05 P.M.

May 25 10.35 A.M. June 1 3.50 P.M.

THE following Circular has been sent to the members of the Phi Beta Kappa: -

DEAR SIR: I am instructed by the Executive Committee of the Phi Beta Kappa Alumni in New York, to inform the members of the different chapters of the Phi Beta Kappa residing in and near New York, that applications for membership may be sent to the Secretary at the office of Davies & Work, 120 Broadway. You are requested to communicate this information to all members of the Society whom you may meet. A list of the officers of the Association from whom further information may be obtained is annexed.

ERNEST H. CROSBY, Secretary.

NEW YORK, May 1, 1877.

President, Stewart L. Woodford, Columbia College. Vice-President, Alexander S. Webb, College of the City of N. Y. Secretary and Treasurer, Ernest H. Crosby, University of the City of N.Y. Executive Committee (Members specially elected). Benjamin B. Foster, Bowdoin College; Elihu Root, Hamilton College; William Richmond, Harvard College; William G. Davies, Trinity College; Willard Bartlett, Columbia College; George W. Clark, Union College.
