


- The rumor that Captain Cook will row at Springfield is reported incorrect.

- The Scientific School has received a bequest of pound1,000 from Mrs. Susan King Higgin.

- The late Mrs. William Lamed leaves to the College Library $5,000; for the foundation of three postgraduate scholarships, $15,000.

- A telephone that conveys musical sounds with great accuracy from the first to the fourth floor of Farnham Hall has been constructed by two of the students.

- William P. Trowbridge, Professor of Dynamical Engineering of the Scientific School, was recently elected to the Professorship of Engineering of Columbia College, with a salary of $7,500. He will probably accept.


Amherst.- A new ball-field has been purchased at a cost of $1,250.

- President Seelye is to be installed as pastor of the college church.

- President Seelye's lectures to educated Hindoos have been translated into Hindostanee and Japanese.

- For the convenience of students desiring to visit Smith College, a stage line has been established between Amherst and Northampton.

- The Bertram Prize Scholarship is given for the highest attainment in Latin, during the college course, and the examination corresponds in a degree to the Harvard examinations for honors in Classics.

- The examination of candidates for admission to Amherst College, which is to be conducted at Cincinnati, O., this year, will be held in the Law School of Cincinnati College on Wednesday, June 13, and will be conducted by J. K. Richardson, formerly instructor in Amherst College, later at Williston Seminary, and now teacher at Cincinnati.

- It is being arranged to connect the Amherst with the National Astronomical Observatory at Washington by telegraph, and soon Amherst will have the "time" given every day, and observations taken by which the longitude of Amherst Observatory can be determined within ten feet. It is probable that Amherst will be the New England centre for observations on the transit of Mercury which occurs next year.

Princeton.- All interest in boating has subsided.
