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DR. HOLLAND, writing in Scribner's, suggests that Yale and Harvard establish a course in politics. After three years of study of political economy, international and inter-state law, constitutional law and history, finance, and diplomacy (a rather ambiguous word), the graduate should go before an examining board at Washington to obtain a certificate of fitness for office. Armed with this certificate, he is to go before the people and take his chances for election; and even if he were not elected, the general culture of the community would be elevated by the presence of such a learned person. A knowledge of the subjects suggested is indeed valuable to a statesman, but unless one has genius, tact, and experience, - things that no college course can give, - he may have ever so much book learning and yet be but a sorry politician. Yet if more Harvard students should read the daily newspaper carefully, intelligently, and with a view to becoming acquainted with the events and the leading men of to-day, an increased interest in public affairs would result; and one means to retrieve the vital mistake, as President Eliot calls it, Harvard has made in not sending more men into politics would be found.
