

THE Pierian Sodality made fifty dollars by their late concert.

THE Freshman Nine promises to be an exceedingly good one this year.

SENIORS are now writing home to find out who their grandfathers were.

THE activity at the club boat-house promises well for the success of the new system.

BOTH the Crew and the Nine will stay in Cambridge and train during the spring recess.


THE Nine are levelling and otherwise improving the field back of the Lawrence Scientific School.

HARPER BROTHERS announce that they have in press a Latin Grammar, by Professor Lane.

THERE will be a meeting of the Harvard Rifle Club this evening, at 7 o'clock, at Holworthy 19.

WE have been requested to state that the next number of the Advocate will be ready at noon on Tuesday next.

THE Pierian Sodality have been asked to assist at the theatricals which are to be given for the benefit of the Boat Club.

PROFESSOR PAINE'S piano recitals will begin on the second Thursday after vacation, in Boylston Hall, at half past seven o'clock.

THE Rev. A. C. A. Hall, of the Church of the Advent, will preach to the Saint Paul's Society on Monday evening at 7 o'clock.

THE Senior Class of the Law School have elected Mr. S. D. Warner as a candidate for a Commencement part, in place of Mr. Brandeis, who is ineligible on account of being under age.

A COMMITTEE of the H. U. B. C. will meet a committee from Yale to-morrow at New London, to decide upon the place for the race.

WE have been requested to ask the members of the Rifle Club to brace up and not allow the spring afternoons to go by without practice.
