

NOW, '80, make for Holworthy.

SHALL we or shall we not have pinnacles on Memorial tower?

THE Nine will play the Bostons again on Tuesday afternoon next.

THE price of board at Memorial Hall during March was $4.25 per week.

Now is the time when the prudent Senio bethinks himself to gird up his loins for his A. B.


Mr. BOND, '78, and not Mr. Holmes, as stated by the Advocate, is scorer for the University Nine.

AT New Haven, on Saturday, the Yale Nine played a game with the Hartfords, which was won by the latter, 7 to 6, in twelve innings.

THE Rifle Club have challenged Yale and the Cambridge Club. A number of new men have joined the club, and it is in a very prosperous condition.

THE committee on the Sophomore Class Supper wish to have it distinctly understood that those wishing tickets must get them at Sever's before next Monday noon.

TICKETS for the Thursday night performance of the theatricals, to be given in aid of the Boat Club, at Union Hall, can be had at 53 Matthews, between 1.30 and 2.30 P.M.

DURING the last recess the interior of Memorial has been swept, dusted, and cleaned, by the unemployed service of the Hall. The exposed woodwork on the outside is to be protected by the application of some kind of paint.

THE field back of the Scientific School has been levelled and laid out for a ball-ground, and the seats are put up. Coupon-tickets, securing the holders admission to the games, will be furnished to subscribers, as was done last year.

THE University crew has gone to a training-table at Memorial Hall. Dinner is served to them at one o'clock and supper at half past six. The price of board is not to exceed $8.00 a week. If the club crews will also form training-tables, the board can be considerably cheapened.

OUT of two hundred and sixteen College graduates now in attendance at the Columbia L. w School, forty-eight graduated at Yale, thirty-seven at Columbia, thirty-one at the College of the City of New York, seventeen at Princeton, and thirteen at Harvard. Of the one hundred and twelve College graduates at the Harvard Law School, sixty-nine graduated at Harvard.

PROFESSOR PAINE'S recitals will given in Boylston Hall, commencing Thursday evening, April 26.
