


- The Sophomore crew are boarding together.

- The University Nine train and board together.

- The boarders at the Yale Club pay $4.50 per week.

- Professors D. Cady Eaton and Henry P. Wright have gone to Europe. Professor Day is to follow them soon.

- The Freshmen have voted to challenge the Harvard Freshmen to play a series of games, the first to be played at New Haven.


- Eighty-two of the Sophomores have chosen Conics, and fifty-eight Analytics. The class has lost twenty-one men since last September.

- The Glee Club concert at Poughkeepsie was attended by an audience "not as large as in previous years, but fully as appreciative and select."

- The Sophomores will petition the Faculty to allow them to give out elections to the Freshman class; and the Lionia and brothers will probably be re-established.

- College books are becoming fashionable A Yale Book, edited by Henry C. Kingsley is announced. It will be on the same general plan as the Harvard Book, and the first volume will be ready in June.

- The Nine beat the New Havens, April 7, by a score of 13 to 10; and the Haymakers 9 to 1, April 11. The best playing was done by the catcher and the pitcher, Carter and Morgan.

Dartmouth.- The football team have commenced practice.

- A History of Dartmouth, by Baxter P. Smith, is nearly ready for publication.

- During the spring vacation the Glee Club gave twelve concerts, all of which were very successful.

- Hereafter the college year will be divided into two terms, - one of sixteen, and the other of twenty-two weeks.

- A special examination is to be provided for nearly one half of the Sophomore class, who failed to pass in Mechanics.

- At the request of the class, the Trustees have voted to omit the Junior Exhibition. There will be no Senior vacation this year.

Brown.- The Juniors are dissatisfied with the appointments for Junior Exhibition.

- Professor W. G. Sumner, of Yale, will deliver the Phi Beta Kappa oration this year.

- The Freshmen have a new secret society which they call Alpha Gamma Epsilon.

- Juniors have the precedence in the choice of rooms; and all transfers or sales will be void unless sanctioned by the President.

- Mock programmes are still in vogue, and "judging from the previous efforts of '79, this year they ought to be as disgusting as any ever presented."

Princeton.- The Library is turning its attention to books relating to Fine arts.

- The publication of the Princeton Book has been delayed until the spring of '78.

- Chess is the favorite game. The Seniors have beaten the Juniors, and a game with Cornell is in progress.

- It is proposed to hold the spring meeting of the Princeton Athletic Association some time in April, probably the 28th. About the 5th, Columbia College will be invited to send representatives to an athletic contest, at which Princeton will be represented by the prizemen in the spring games.

Cornell.- Professor Fiske lectures on Journalism to Juniors and Seniors intending to become editors.

- President White at the latest reports was on his way to Naples. His health was very much improved, and he hoped to reassume soon his duties at Cornell.

- The chime master is chosen by competition. A member of the Freshman class has, by less than a year's practice, become as proficient in playing the chimes as is the present incumbent of the office.

Columbia.- The School of Mines is to participate in future Commencement exercises.

- There is a good prospect for some new buildings to meet the requirements of the increasing numbers. Each professor has been consulted as to the style of rooms that would best meet the wants of his department, and the architects are at work on the plans. Probably the new buildings will be erected on the present site.
