


- The Sophomore crew are boarding together.

- The University Nine train and board together.

- The boarders at the Yale Club pay $4.50 per week.

- Professors D. Cady Eaton and Henry P. Wright have gone to Europe. Professor Day is to follow them soon.

- The Freshmen have voted to challenge the Harvard Freshmen to play a series of games, the first to be played at New Haven.


- Eighty-two of the Sophomores have chosen Conics, and fifty-eight Analytics. The class has lost twenty-one men since last September.

- The Glee Club concert at Poughkeepsie was attended by an audience "not as large as in previous years, but fully as appreciative and select."

- The Sophomores will petition the Faculty to allow them to give out elections to the Freshman class; and the Lionia and brothers will probably be re-established.

- College books are becoming fashionable A Yale Book, edited by Henry C. Kingsley is announced. It will be on the same general plan as the Harvard Book, and the first volume will be ready in June.

- The Nine beat the New Havens, April 7, by a score of 13 to 10; and the Haymakers 9 to 1, April 11. The best playing was done by the catcher and the pitcher, Carter and Morgan.

Dartmouth.- The football team have commenced practice.

- A History of Dartmouth, by Baxter P. Smith, is nearly ready for publication.

- During the spring vacation the Glee Club gave twelve concerts, all of which were very successful.

- Hereafter the college year will be divided into two terms, - one of sixteen, and the other of twenty-two weeks.
